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Welcome, we're here to help

Patients, and their families, want the best possible outcome and the best possible healthcare experience. We want that too. At Optum, we understand that for patients with complex medical conditions, their needs may be especially unique. In order to serve these patients, Optum collaborates with its credentialed network providers to provide mutually beneficial services, to serve the most important beneficiaries of this collaboration - patients.

As a leading developer of condition management programs, Optum has been working since 1986 to identify complex medical conditions with quantifiable variance across treatment providers.

We're committed to making working with us easy. For your convenience, we have created a hardcopy Notification Form that can be emailed to either your Account Manager or to cmc_client_services@optum.com or faxed to Optum at (877) 897-5338. You may also call us at (877) 801-3507, where a trained customer service representative will take your referral information.


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For Patients

From transplants and congenital heart disease to bariatric surgery and infertility, Optum's Complex Medical Conditions programs can help you understand your condition and treatment options so you can make informed decisions about your health care. Learn about our products and services for patients.


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For Employers and Insurers

Thousands of payer groups representing tens of millions of individuals already use our products and services. Find out why employers and insurers choose Optum.

Upcoming OptumHealth Educational Events




For Health Care Providers

To be considered for participation in Optum's Centers of Excellence network, read about our evaluation process and the advantages for health care providers.


Prior Authorization Utilization Review Statistics

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